Shoppingjeannie's Blog

Just another weblog

One Meat Purchase – Lots of meals

So if you buy the leaner ground meat here’s how you can get your true money’s worth out of it.

First of all for those who would tell me it’s too expensive for the extra lean even 90/10 let me remind you when you buy 80/20, the 20% of that package is going out in the trash which is like throwing money in the garbage.

If you buy a 2lb or a little more package of 90/10, you can make meatballs (see my recipe for ingredients and instructions it’s easy) for the first meal and then home-made hamburger helper out of the rest.

Same amount of meat scenario #2: 1/2 package for tacos and rest of the package meatloaf

I usually get 2 meals for our family of 4 out of each package I buy. If I really want to stretch it I will buy a matching amount of ground turkey and mix it equal parts. For meatballs, and I make big meal sized meatballs nothing tiny that is a waste of my time, I use 1/2 of the good burger and 1/2 of the ground turkey and get enough for 2 to 3 meals of meatballs out of that. I take the extras and wrap them in freezer paper and freeze them for another night.

If you really want a good deal on your meat, go early in the morning like 8:30 to 9:30 and check for the manager’s specials on meat, chicken, pork, you name it. All fresh meat, chicken, pork, etc. has to be “sold by” a certain date or they can’t sell it at all. What that means for the consumer is you get prime products at a reduced price and for me I wrap it all in freezer paper and label it and put it in the freezer for future meals.

Happy Shopping

August 25, 2011 Posted by | Food and Cooking | Leave a comment

Pork Ribs Coupon printable

If you go to there is a printable coupon for pork ribs. You get $2 off pork ribs when you buy ANY KC Masterpiece product.

You can print this out 2 times if you close out the screen after the first print and then go back into it again.

The coupon does not expire until 9/10/11, so if you watch the sales you should be able to get both items on sale and you can use any coupon for KC Masterpiece to get an even better deal on this.

August 11, 2011 Posted by | Current Sales | Leave a comment

Cheaper way to afford Bacon

We love our bacon in our household. We/I do not love the price tag it comes with. I tried something new last week after my hubby requested squash casserole (which requires bacon) so I bought a 4lb package of Wright brand ends and pieces for $6.99. That package worked so well we even had breakfast off of it Sunday morning as well. The only difference between that package and a package of bacon that would normally cost me $14.00 or more is that some of the pieces were thicker which makes them perfect for a pot of beans.

I did check at Wal-Mart and did not find any of this anywhere, I bought mine at our local chain that I will only call “k” and will buy the next package at our local HEB market since I know I’ve seen it there as well.

Next week is payday, plan to buy a couple of these packages for fall dishes and some breakfasts as well.

August 3, 2011 Posted by | Food and Cooking, How To Shop and Save Lots of Money | Leave a comment